Merevolusi Presisi: Mesin Pemotong CNC Waterjet 5-Sumbu BASAIR

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Merevolusi Presisi: Mesin Pemotong CNC Waterjet 5-Sumbu BASAIR

In the realm of advanced manufacturing, precision and versatility are paramount. For industries demanding intricate cuts and complex shapes, the BASAIR 5-Axis Waterjet CNC Cutting Machine stands out as a game-changer. Here’s a detailed look at its features and capabilities.

Fitur Produk (PF)

Machine Models

The BASAIR 5-Axis Waterjet CNC Cutting Machine is available in two models: BSWJ6000 and BSWJ8000.

Model Ukuran Meja Kerja (mm) Ukuran yang Dapat Diterapkan (mm) X-axis Speed (mm/min) Y-axis Speed (mm/min) Z-axis Speed (mm/min)
BSWJ6000 3000×1300 2200×1200 0 – 5000 0 – 5000 0 – 1000
BSWJ8000 5000×2100 4000×2000 0 – 5000 0 – 5000 0 – 1000

Axis Capabilities

  • X, Y, and Z Axes: These axes enable movement in the traditional 3D space, with speeds up to 5000 mm/min for X and Y axes, and up to 1000 mm/min for the Z axis.
  • A and C Axes: These additional axes allow the cutting head to tilt and rotate, enabling cuts at angles up to 60 degrees. This feature is crucial for creating complex 3D shapes, bevels, chamfers, and contours.

Material Versatility

The BASAIR 5-Axis Waterjet CNC Cutting Machine is designed to handle a wide range of materials, including delicate composites, robust metals, and stone. This versatility makes it an ideal choice for various industrial applications.

Kecepatan dan Akurasi

With high-speed capabilities and precise motion control, this machine ensures high output without compromising on accuracy. The positioning accuracy is a cornerstone of its performance, making it suitable for applications requiring high tolerance and operator efficiency.

Peningkatan Produktivitas

The machine is engineered to maximize output through advanced motion control systems and the ability to perform lights-out cutting. This feature optimizes the production process, helping manufacturers meet demanding deadlines.

Additional Product Insights (PF1)

Advanced Operations

5-axis waterjet cutting systems, like the BASAIR machine, offer the flexibility and advanced operations necessary for a wide range of applications. These include heavy machining projects and intricate designs that require chamfering, beveling, and contouring.

Industry Applications

These machines are particularly beneficial in industries involving complex shapes and features, such as aerospace, automotive, and construction. The ability to cut at angles and create 3D shapes expands the range of cutting solutions for customers.

Article Outline (DG)


  • Introduce the BASAIR 5-Axis Waterjet CNC Cutting Machine.
  • Highlight its significance in advanced manufacturing.

Fitur Utama

  • Discuss the machine models and their specifications.
  • Explain the capabilities of the X, Y, Z, A, and C axes.
  • Describe the material versatility of the machine.

Performance and Accuracy

  • Detail the speed and accuracy of the machine.
  • Mention the importance of positioning accuracy.

Productivity and Applications

  • Discuss how the machine enhances productivity.
  • Outline the various industry applications.


  • Summarize the key points.
  • Emphasize why the BASAIR 5-Axis Waterjet CNC Cutting Machine is a revolutionary tool.

Artikel Blog

Merevolusi Presisi: Mesin Pemotong CNC Waterjet 5-Sumbu BASAIR

In the world of advanced manufacturing, the need for precision and versatility is ever-growing. The BASAIR 5-Axis Waterjet CNC Cutting Machine is a cutting-edge solution designed to meet these demands.

Key Features of the BASAIR 5-Axis Waterjet CNC Cutting Machine

The BASAIR 5-Axis Waterjet CNC Cutting Machine comes in two models: BSWJ6000 and BSWJ8000.

Model Ukuran Meja Kerja (mm) Ukuran yang Dapat Diterapkan (mm) X-axis Speed (mm/min) Y-axis Speed (mm/min) Z-axis Speed (mm/min)
BSWJ6000 3000×1300 2200×1200 0 – 5000 0 – 5000 0 – 1000
BSWJ8000 5000×2100 4000×2000 0 – 5000 0 – 5000 0 – 1000

Axis Capabilities

The machine boasts five axes of movement:

  • X, Y, and Z Axes: These enable movement in the traditional 3D space with speeds up to 5000 mm/min for X and Y axes, and up to 1000 mm/min for the Z axis.
  • A and C Axes: These additional axes allow the cutting head to tilt and rotate, enabling cuts at angles up to 60 degrees. This is crucial for creating complex 3D shapes, bevels, chamfers, and contours.

Material Versatility

The BASAIR 5-Axis Waterjet CNC Cutting Machine can handle a wide range of materials, from delicate composites to robust metals and stone. This versatility makes it an ideal choice for various industrial applications.

Kecepatan dan Akurasi

With high-speed capabilities and precise motion control, this machine ensures high output without compromising on accuracy. The positioning accuracy is a cornerstone of its performance, making it suitable for applications requiring high tolerance and operator efficiency.

Peningkatan Produktivitas

The machine is engineered to maximize output through advanced motion control systems and the ability to perform lights-out cutting. This feature optimizes the production process, helping manufacturers meet demanding deadlines.

Advanced Operations and Industry Applications

The BASAIR 5-Axis Waterjet CNC Cutting Machine offers the flexibility and advanced operations necessary for a wide range of applications. These include heavy machining projects and intricate designs that require chamfering, beveling, and contouring. It is particularly beneficial in industries such as aerospace, automotive, and construction, where complex shapes and features are common.


The BASAIR 5-Axis Waterjet CNC Cutting Machine is more than just a tool; it's a revolution in precision cutting. With its advanced axis capabilities, material versatility, high speed, and accuracy, it is the perfect solution for manufacturers looking to elevate their production capabilities. Whether you're working on intricate tile designs or heavy machining projects, this machine is designed to keep up with your needs and deliver exceptional results. Step into the future of manufacturing with the BASAIR 5-Axis Waterjet CNC Cutting Machine and experience the difference for yourself.

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