In the realm of industrial and municipal wastewater treatment, managing sludge efficiently is a critical challenge. BASAIR, a renowned manufacturer, offers innovative solutions to streamline sludge dewatering processes. Here’s a detailed look at their cutting-edge technologies and the benefits they provide.
Çamur Yönetiminin Zorlukları
Sludge, a semi-solid or liquid waste material, is a byproduct of various industrial and wastewater treatment processes. It is heavy, cumbersome, and laden with water, making it a logistical nightmare to handle, transport, and dispose of. The primary goal of sludge dewatering is to reduce the moisture content, transforming the sludge into a more manageable and cost-effective form.
BASAIR’s Sludge Dewatering Solutions
Vakumlu Seramik Disk Filtre
- Operating Principle: The BASAIR Vacuum Ceramic Disc Filter uses a combination of vacuum and ceramic filter discs to dewater sludge. The slurry is fed onto the ceramic discs, and vacuum is applied to draw out the water through the filter media.
- Temel Özellikler:
- High efficiency in separating water from sludge.
- Effective in applications requiring a high degree of dewatering.
- Ceramic filter discs ensure durability and long-term performance.
- Reduces transportation costs and environmental impact.
Plaka ve Çerçeve Filtre Pres
- Operating Principle: The Plate and Frame Filter Press consists of a series of filter plates and frames that are pressed together to dewater the sludge. The slurry is pumped into the press, and pressure is applied to squeeze out the water.
- Temel Özellikler:
- Efficient dewatering, handling large volumes of sludge.
- Versatile applications in urban sewage treatment, chemical processing, and papermaking.
- High automation with minimal operator intervention.
- Durable construction with specific plate thicknesses and motor powers.
Bant Filtre Presi
- Operating Principle: The Belt Filter Press uses a continuous belt to dewater the sludge. The slurry is fed onto the belt, which passes through a series of rollers to squeeze out the water.
- Temel Özellikler:
- Continuous operation with high automation and energy efficiency.
- Suitable for large-scale sludge dewatering with throughputs ranging from 8 to 65 cubic meters per hour.
- Versatile applications in various industries such as chemical processing, oil refining, and metallurgy.
- Customizable models with varying belt widths and throughput capacities.
Benefits of BASAIR’s Sludge Dewatering Solutions
- Azaltılmış Hacim: Dewatering significantly reduces the volume of sludge, making it easier to transport and dispose of.
- Daha Düşük Bertaraf Maliyetleri: Dryer sludge is less expensive to dispose of than wet sludge, reducing transportation and disposal costs.
- Çevresel Faydalar: Verimli çamur susuzlaştırma, daha iyi atık yönetimine katkıda bulunarak endüstriyel ve belediye proseslerinin çevresel ayak izini azaltır.
- Kaynak Geri Kazanımı: Some dewatered sludge can be further processed for resource recovery, such as energy production or agricultural use.
Models and Specifications
Here is a summary of the key models and their specifications:
Model | Bant Genişliği (mm) | Verim (m³/h) | Pres Millerinin Gücü (kW) | Konveyör Millerinin Gücü (kW) |
KN1000 | 1000 | 8 – 15 | 1.1 | 3 |
KN2000 | 2000 | 20 – 35 | 1.5 | 5.5 |
KN3000 | 3000 | 35 – 55 | 2.2 | 7.5 |
KS3000 | 3000 | 46 – 65 | 3 | 11 |
Plate and Frame Filter Press Models
Model | Plaka Boyutu (mm) | Number of Filter Plates | Motor Power (kW) |
DN800 | 800×800 | 20-60 | 2.2, 4, 7.5 |
DN1000 | 1000×1000 | 36-60 | 2.2, 4, 7.5 |
DN1250 | 1250×1250 | 46-76 | 2.2, 4, 7.5 |
BASAIR’s sludge dewatering solutions, including the Vacuum Ceramic Disc Filter, Plate and Frame Filter Press, and Belt Filter Press, are designed to optimize sludge management. These technologies offer high efficiency, automation, and versatility, making them ideal for various industrial and municipal applications. By reducing the volume and moisture content of sludge, BASAIR’s solutions not only lower disposal costs but also contribute to a more environmentally friendly waste management process. Whether you are in wastewater treatment or another industry dealing with sludge, BASAIR’s innovative solutions are a game-changer.
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